Requirements Management Module
Why you need the Requirement Module ?
Import and export use cases, business requirements, functional specifications and other project artifacts
Add, modify, delete, duplicate, reorder and remove requirements
Incorporate static testing review process with defects identification
Key Features and Benefits
- Ability to monitor requirements coverage, quality and completeness
- Prioritize and associate requirements with major &minor releases and sprints.
- Indicate requirements’ availability for review.
- Ability to upload requirements from Excel spreadsheets
- Full customizable requirements review process
- Allow complete visibility on requirements coverage and availability through reporting module
Requirement Status Field for Full Traceability and Workflow Control
The Requirement’s status allows you to control traceability and the workflow established for your IT teams. They should be set manually by all project participants including Business Analysts, QA Managers, QA Leads, QA Testers to ensure everyone has visibility to the latest status and understands what next steps need to take place.
Ready for Review
Requirement is finalized and QA Team can start static testing of finalized requirements.
In Draft
Requirements are not finalized and Business Analysts is working on it
Ready for Re-validation
Business Analysts or owner of the requirements implemented all fixes and suggestions and QA Team can revalidate all corrections.
Needs Improvement
Requirements were validated by QA Team and defects and issues were identified as part of the review which need to be fixed and incorporated.
Review Complete
Static testing was completed successfully and requirement is ready for implementation.
Requirements are fully covered by test cases which were internally reviewed and signed off.
Not Covered
Test cases work is in progress but requirement is not fully covered by all test cases